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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint from JC_Egg about player Agent_EV3GA

Who are you reporting? Agent_EV3GA

Date of incident May 26, 2021

Which server were you on? bZ1. I think it was Hainan and was probably late afternoon Pacific Coast time.

Describe the incident Saw this guy tell another player he hopes he gets cancer and dies. I shot back a comment and we jawed back and forth a bit so I'm not entirely innocent here. Having cancer myself and knowing other players that do I found this twerp was way over the line. He started to jaw back after I called him out about his cancer comment and I'm OK with that. Perhaps I'm being too sensitive on this but I do think these games ought to have some boundaries enforced. I enjoy the back and forth banter but sometimes it crosses the line. Just bringing to your attention.


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Mr. Egg,

Not really seeing anything horrific in his recent chat logs (The past few days). I am not sure when the incident occurred due to the reported date being in the future, so I can't pinpoint the incident in the chatlogs. The internet is not the kindest place, especially in any video game chats, and sometimes it is just best to hide chat with "H." We try to police the chat as little as necessary to avoid micromanaging everything. We do have some boundaries, including racism and politics. If you see anything that appears to violate our policies or the game's terms of service, be sure to let us know.

- Rogaine


Christmas man
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
This man is merely predicting the future!

Thanks for reaching out though